Books for Flyfishers
Feature Titles

Modern Atlantic Salmon Flies, Digital Edition,
(print edition is sold out) has 477 pages optimized for tablets and phones as well as laptop and desktop computers. A version for Kindle or Kindle apps is available from Amazon. With only a very few exceptions each pattern has its own page with a large, quality, image. Like the second print edition it features 417 fully-described patterns, with colour photos and recipes for about 40 more; an increase of almost 25% over the first edition. Text-only descriptions are typically variations of patterns with an image. Two new patterns have been added and one that appeared in the first two print editions deleted. Recipes and images of many salmon flies can be found on the web, but few are shown as tied by the originator; more than 75% of the patterns in Modern Atlantic Salmon Flies are.
Fly Patterns of Canada,
Based on the sold-out print title, A Compendium of Canadian Fly Patterns by R.H. Jones & P.C. Marriner, Fly Patterns of Canada, a digital book, has: more than 1,600 fly patterns illustrated in full colour, recipes for several hundred more (typically variations) in an appendix, tying instructions for challenging patterns in an appendix, patterns for scores of species with a focus on trout and salmon, all habitats and regions represented, and several interactive features. Available in three formats: interactive PDF; reflowable ePub; and mobi file for Kindles or Kindle apps. For tablet and larger screens the PDF is the best choice; for phones the mobi file with a Kindle app offers the best performance.

Other Digital Titles
Atlantic Salmon
$9.99 -
Guides Eyes
$9.95 – $18.95 -
Fly Fishing Lakes and Ponds
$9.99 -
How to Choose & Use Fly-tying Thread, digital edition

Print Titles

Stillwater Fly Fishing Tools & Tactics
John Randolph, former editor and publisher of Fly Fisherman magazine, wrote: “Fishing stillwaters provides us with fly fishing’s toughest challenges …. Paul Marriner explains how to solve these mysteries and explains modern and traditional techniques to catch the largest fish of your life.”
Signed copies of Stillwater Fly Fishing: Tools & Tactics are $20.00 + $5.00 S&H (North American addresses). For Western Europe, $20.00 + $15.00. For information about the limited edition contact us.
How to Choose & Use Fly-tying Thread.
The original print edition of How to Choose & Use Fly-tying Thread.
Individual copies of the print edition are available for $5.00 (Canada or US) and $7.00 to Western Europe. Price includes postage. Rest of the world must contact us to request mailing costs.